Exam preparation

Ace your exam prep with our cutting-edge digital sample papers.

Preparing for your exam has never been easier or more efficient. With our digital sample papers, you can access expertly crafted practice questions, whether you’re self-studying from home or learning with a training provider.

Each sample paper costs £24. Once you’ve bought your paper, you can access and complete it whenever you’re ready.

Interactive practice papers

Our digital sample papers are designed to simulate real exam conditions. With interactive formats, timed tests, and auto-grading, you can track your results effortlessly.

Get instant insights into your performance. Understand your strengths and pinpoint areas for improvement with detailed feedback to support your revision.

All sample papers are developed by subject matter experts and align with the latest exam, ensuring you’re always up to date.

Whether you prefer studying on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, our platform is optimised for all devices, letting you study anytime, anywhere.

Each sample paper includes a video to help you prepare for your exam, plus guidance on booking and sitting your online exam.

Available papers

Browse our range of sample papers below. New papers will be added over time; if there’s one you’d like to see that isn’t available yet, why not use our live chat to get in touch and let us know?