An Introduction to Machine Learning

From chatbots to self-driving cars; artificial intelligence is changing how we live and how we work. It’s enabling us to make better informed data driven decisions, improve healthcare services, enhance customer experiences, and it’s even helping us to write code.

What you’ll learn:

  • The different types of machine learning

  • The machine learning process

  • The concept of deep learning

  • The use of algorithms to develop machine learning 

Course overview

Course content

  • What is machine learning

  • The role of the data scientist

  • Supervised, unsupervised, semi supervised and reinforcement learning

  • Machine learning algorithms

  • Deep learning and neural networks

  • The machine learning process
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This course is perfect for anyone wanting to learn the principles of how AI and machine learning actually work, so that you can have better conversations about its use or even begin to plan how you might start to work with it.

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