Avoiding Greenwashing: Identifying and Addressing the Risks and Roles in Green IT

In an era where sustainability has become a buzzword, a disturbing trend of greenwashing is casting a shadow over genuine environmental efforts. But are these instances of greenwashing always intended? And how can a business ensure it is implementing green IT practices properly?

What you’ll learn:

  • What is greenwashing and how do you spot it? – Discover the Seven Deadly Sins of Greenwashing.
  • Roles in Green IT- Explore the roles involved in Green IT and the types of platform that can be used to track sustainability.
  • Green transformation and management – Learn about the steps in a Green IT transformation plan and the steps of a Green IT audit.
  • Green IT plan – Discover the key parts of a Green IT plan and how to implement one.

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This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and practices associated with greenwashing and how to avoid them. You will learn about the definition of greenwashing, how to identify it, and the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in Green IT.