This practitioner-level certification is for IT professionals who have already completed and passed all three IT Leadership Practitioner Awards – Leading with an IT Mindset, Collaborating with Business Teams and Business Skills for the IT Professional.
Throughout the course, individuals in IT and technical roles are encouraged to explore how to collaborate with different business areas in the digital workplace, as well as demonstrating diversity and cultural awareness.
Our suite of resources includes online learning modules, a podcast, videos and so much more, and is ideal if you are looking to enhance your career by building upon existing personal and business skills. You’ll gain an understand of how to lead effectively, manage driven digital teams that enact solutions, and increase digital productivity across your organisation. You’ll also develop the skills and knowledge to support successful business change programme within your organisation.
There is also the option to just take the an exam for a recognised certification that demonstrates your learning.
What you’ll learn
Applying the knowledge learned throughout the preceding Practitioner awards, you’ll learn about influencing decision-making, taking responsibility and accountability in implementing solutions, how to collaborate with different business areas in the digital workplace, as well as demonstrating diversity and cultural awareness, with topics including:
Set up a BCS account to access the package, this can be done either before or after purchasing
Who’s it for?
First time managers of digital teams, IT professionals with some experience of working with different teams across the business, who are looking to gain greater insight into power (soft) and business skills needed for leadership.
You must have successfully completed the BCS Practitioner Awards in Leading with an IT Mindset, Collaborating with Business Teams, and Business Skills for the IT Professional to be eligible for the Being an IT Business Partner Certification.
How much does it cost?
There are 4 options:
Successfully passing the exam, will lead to an internationally recognised BCS Practitioner Certificate in Being an IT Business Partner.
Modules in this self-study package:
Cost: £385 +VAT, add to cart at the top of this page.
If you have reviewed the syllabus, completed and passed the three practitioner awards and feel confident that you already have the required knowledge, you are able to purchase the exam on its own without any of the video learning content or support materials.
Successfully passing the exam, whether purchased on its own or with the full package of learning, will lead to an internationally recognised BCS Practitioner Certificate in Being an IT Business Partner.
Cost: £220 +VAT.
These are short on demand courses with a test at the end to gain a digital badge.
They are available alongside our full offering of online courses, or jump straight to these specific ones:
Cost £30 +VAT each.